Rico Reyes


Random-Ass Wednesday

Except that we're trying to get serious.


An update since the last newsletter, what you’re looking at is an entirely different version of how you first saw us. Observing from a different outlook, it only felt natural to think of Random-Ass Wednesday, aka RAW, as something with promise, intention, and more excellent value.

So allow us to introduce ourselves.

What's RAW?

We’re an outlet; we’re a break from our full-time jobs,focusing mostly on graphic design and writing. The reason why RAW is the way it is now is that we believe in collaboration and that our interests and crafts always need to be conditioned and worked on. So everything coming out of this project is because someone needed an outlet to express their craft.

Why RAW?

It’s not that deep so I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. Months leading up to my birthday, I thought it was going to be on a Wednesday, a random-ass Wednesday, only to find out a week before that it landed on a Thursday. So I just stuck with it, it sounded cool.

What’s next?

We haven’t decided yet. And that’s why this season is the most exciting part for us.The possibilities are endless and the last thing we want for us to happen is to feel limited as to what we can do and as to what this could be. We want to try our best to be non-pretentious. Playful, but not grown up; not necessarily mature. So stay tuned to see what’s next, because we honestly don’t know what’s coming.

To those who got this far, thank you.

This is Season 1.

Signing off,

Random Ass Wednesday

Cigarette Courtesy